【志賀高原100 トレイルランニング 】ユーモアあふれる川柳/俳句の魅力(65)



On Saturday, July 6, I went to a trail run race in Shiga Kogen. The hotel where we stayed the night before the race was a hotel about 3 km away from the starting point, Ichinose, in Hoppo Onsen (hot spring).
After registering for the race at 3:00 p.m. on the 5th, I called the hotel and was picked up by the hotel staff and taken to their car without any waiting time.
We left the hotel at 3:30 a.m. on the 6th for Ichinose, the starting point of the 100 km race, with five other lodgers who were participating in the race.

早朝の スタートゲート 闘志秘め

Early morning starting gate, with a fighting spirit.

ひぐらしの 鳴き声涼し 志賀の朝

A cool morning in Shiga Kogen with the cicada’s chirping

朝霧の 晴れ間に森の エメラルド

Emerald of the forest in the clear morning mist

難所越え ニッコウキスゲ お出迎え

Nikkoukisuge welcomes you after crossing a difficult section.

ゲレンデを 急登ダッシュ 息切らし

Dashing up the steep slopes, out of breath.

泥まみれ 夕立浴びて リフレッシュ

Covered in mud, bathed in evening showers, refreshed.

