【グアム タモンビーチ 朝の虹 Guam Morning Rainbow 】ユーモアあふれる川柳/俳句の魅力(64)


グアム滞在3日目の6/18の朝、グアムリーフホテルを出て近くのチャモロ風料理の店リトル・ピカズ(little PIKA’S)に行こうとすると、急にスコールが降ってきました。


On the morning of June 18, my third day in Guam, I left the Guam Reef Hotel to go to little PIKA’S, a nearby Chamorro-style restaurant, when suddenly a squall started to fall. After waiting for about 15 minutes, the rain started to lighten and the sky cleared up, so I went outside to see a rainbow on Tumon Beach.

スコールと 虹かかる朝 タモン湾

Squalls and rainbows in the morning Tumon Bay

スコールで 目覚めて空に 朝の虹

Waking up to a squall and a morning rainbow in the sky.

スコールの しぶき背中に テラス席

Squalls of spray on my back, terrace seating.

リトル・ピカズ(little PIKA’S)はタモンビーチの中心部スクランブル交差点の目の前です。テラス席に座ると再びスコール。テラス席に降りこんだスコールのしぶきを背中に浴びますが、すぐに雨は上がって日差しが照り始めるとシャワーを浴びた後のように爽快です。

Little PIKA’S is right in front of the scramble intersection in the heart of Tumon Beach. As we sat on the terrace, we were again greeted with a squall. The rain soon stops and the sun begins to shine, and you feel as refreshed as if you had just taken a shower.


We ordered Loco Moco (in the foreground) and Eggs Benedict. The friendly local waitress asked if ketchup was OK, so I asked and she brought me some brand new, unsealed ketchup.

