
川柳/俳句 (花と鳥)


The wisteria flowers, which were at their best during the first half of Golden Week in late April, had completely fallen off, and I was jogging in the park in the morning with the leafy wisteria trellis beside me when I found wisteria flowers still in bloom in the middle of July. The freshness of the wisteria flowers, wet with dew after the rain and illuminated by the morning sun, was magnificent.

雨露や 季節外れの 藤の花

Rain dew, wisteria flowers out of season

梅雨明けて 暑さに負けぬ 藤の花

Wisteria flowers do not lose to the heat at the end of the rainy season 

七夕の 星空見上げ 藤の花

Wisteria blossoms look up at the starry sky of Tanabata

川まつり 夕風涼し 藤の花

The river festival, the evening breeze cools the wisteria blossoms

花言葉 優しさ包む 藤の花

The language of the wisteria flower is kindness


